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  • artburo
  • 2nd February 2016

NYU AbuDhabi invites art lovers inside a recreation of Andy Warhol's The Factory, a design space that was visited by luminaries including Bob Dylan, David Bowie and Madonna. It was at The Factory that the iconic artist Warhol created some of his best artworks, inspired by people whom Warhol called superstars.

It was also here that artistic communities gathered, spawning a multitude of movements that spanned through different art mediums, from music to film. Apart from being able to fashion their own unique 'superstar' psyche, as well as produce their own personal Warhol-esque artworks, visitors can also expect an accompanying soundtrack to walk them through the space.

As well, a variety of New York street food will be available, all designed to fully immerse the visitor into New York's vibrant arts world of the '70s — the Warhol era.

Andy Warhol's famed Factory opens at NYUAD

"This one-night event kicks off a series, in which we reimagine historical art communities around the world, and reflect on the future of our own developing art communities here in Abu Dhabi," says Maya Allison, founding Director of the Art Gallery at New York University Abu Dhabi and Chief Curator at NYU Abu Dhabi."The gallery's public programme aims to bring the university into dialogue with local communities with engaging events that celebrate iconic moments of creativity and cultural development."The Factory, part of the gallery's Art History Time Machine programme, runs for only one night on February 2, 2016, at NYU Abu Dhabi Art Gallery. For more information, visit NYUADArtGallery.